The Iron Furnace Trail Run is Back!

Last year SEOTR hosted its first trail race, the Iron Furnace Trail Run.  With a lot of help from many different people and organizations, the IFTR was an overwhelming success!  82 people joined us at Lake Hope State Park on a beautiful April weekend and ran either the long or short version of the race.  Many of those 82 ran their first trail race!

This year, we are even more excited and anxious to be hosting the Iron Furnace Trail Run and seeing the growth of trail running in SE Ohio continues.  Check out the event page and be sure to share IFTR with your friends!  We are expecting the number of participants to grow this year, which makes everything more fun.

There have been only a couple of small changes to this year’s IFTR.  Last year the races were advertised as a 20k and a 5 mile.  Although the courses are both exactly the same as last year, after more accurate measuring of the routes, this year the IFTR has advertised as 13.1 miles and 4.5-mile distances.  This will give participants a truer read of the course distance.  The only other major change is the date.  Instead of IFTR being the last Saturday of April, it is now the first Saturday of April.  So join us on April 4th!

We look forward to seeing you in April at the 2nd running of the Iron Furnace Trail Run!